i have scars on my body // from using myself // abusing myself // in sickness
and in health // i have bruises on my body // which go away with time but remain in my mind forever // as a constant reminder
of the last man i loved // loathed // left // i have the word 'truth' on my arm // because there is no room for honesty when
you're a liar // i have a tattoo on the back of my neck which i cannot see // but i can feel // but i can feel // but i can
// i have a tattoo on my stomach which in italian means 'the sweet life' // i have the word 'love' in flames surrounded by
stars on my right wrist // because these five fingers go straight into the soul of man // i have the word 'hate' on my left
wrist because the left hand is the hand of hate // and it was with this hand that cain knifed his brother // i'm right handed
// maybe that's my problem // my ruin
(original lyrics by Snot)
dedicated // spray the masses with gunfire // foreign pigs want to live in fear
// they never learn // light the match and flames burn higher // i need to exterminate the queers // my stomach turns // would
not heed your worthless cries // strike with fear // no // i won't wait // your misery // stick your fingers in my eyes //
just like somebody blind by hate // they cannot see // prompted by my own self-doubt // i need to hate them because they're
strange // they never learn // i have plucked my own eyes out // i live a life that's ruled by rage // my stomach turns //
powered by elders lies // strike with fear 'cause i won't change your misery // stick your fingers in my eyes // just like
somebody blind by hate // they cannot see // if you'd open your eyes // then maybe you could see a figment of closed minds
// you know education is the key // hate sparks will create fire // why can't you let them be? // i see you're stoopid blind
// and i know you cannot see // in loving memory // that's it