where do i begin // i remember the first
night we met // it was 1996 at the splash club in london // you were so beautiful // and i had a huge crush on you // over
the years ive grown to love you // for so many reasons // manchester // bristol // exeter // and nottingham // to name a few
// youve watched me bleed // bruise // sweat // and scream // and youve never been afraid of me // i dont blame you for what
theyve written about us // or our relationship // no one really understands it // not even me // i love it when that happens
Beauty Fiend
yes its true // i've got demons inside me
// and sometimes they need to speak // my dark places make me feel ugly // my lips are glossed but my heart is weak // i'm
diseased // as seen on tv // please forgive me // for not being pretty or sexy // but god never blessed me // heres what youll
find next time you undress me // scars // wounds // i'm bruised // watch me bleed // i'm your beauty // watch me bleed //
beauty fiend // once again // without perfect teeth // i begin the dream as i sleep // soon ive sinned // my skin is still
thick // my mouth as always is brutally honest // at my calmest // i'm tired of explaining how it feels // to be exploited
and rated number one, two or seventeen // fuck what they print in those damn magazines // scars // wounds // i'm used // watch
me bleed // i'm no beauty // watch me bleed // beauty queen // watch me bleed // i'm your beauty // watch me bleed // beauty
fiend // stuck inside this mask of mine // there's no place for me to hide // won't you please come suck me dry // don't touch
me // dont fucking touch me // don't touch me // why can't you see beyond my skin // size // my shape // my ass // my tits
// i am not your pretty face // i'm just a girl // the girl you love to hate // watch me bleed // i'm no beauty // watch me
bleed // beauty queen // watch me bleed // i'm the beauty // watch me bleed // beauty fiend // why can't you see beyond my
skin // size // my shape // my ass // my tits // i am not your pretty face // i'm just a girl // the girl you love to hate
// stuck inside this mask of mine // there's no place for me to hide // won't you please come suck me dry // dont // dont
you fucking touch me // pig Stick It To Me
it doesnt matter what i say // doesnt matter
what i do // i dont really give a fuck about you // nowadays its all fake // put some make up on your face // looking like
a fucking chick // in lipstick // there is nothing here for me // dressed up in your new disease // hollywood is full of shit
// dont ask me to sell my soul // i would rather be myself // you // do what youre told // stick it to me // i know you want
to // stick it in me // you know youre going to // stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre
going to // take a picture if you need // while i bleed // what makes you think that you know me // dinner and an interview
// but im not a fan of you // at least i tell the truth // damned if i do // damned if i dont // damned if i will // if i
wont // stab me in the back and buy me one more drink // suck my trust until im fucked // then you can say you fucked me //
youre so sneaky with your surprises // youre so sweet underneath disguises // i cant wait for you to criticise this // dont
think i dont know how big your knife is // stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre going
to // stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre going to // you dont know me like i know myself
and i will never tell // you dont know me like i know myself // you can go straight to hell Heartsick
late night catechism speaks me to sleep
// a lethal dose of narcissism conquers the beast // i cant remember how i got my last scar // the bible tells us jesus was
a rockstar // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // early morning exorcisms
keep me awake // seven stars surround me as i burn like a saint // i cant remember why my knees are so sore // the bible tells
us mary was a whore // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // there once
was a girl and she suffered from sickness // mouth was distorted from razor sharp kisses // tried to pretend it was all in
her mind // but i know her voice when i hear mine // god are you listening // i hear you in my room // as hot as the moon
on the tenth day of June // theres no sleeping for me // im losing my faith // love is not safe in a world filled with hate
// heart sick // im sick // still sick // my heart is sick Sick With It
sick // sick with disease // deny addiction
// down on my knees // feed my affliction // scared to believe my own decisions // eager to please // distorted visions //
breed life // need life // breathe life // keep life // lie and deceive with no emotion // false promises // loss of devotion
// scarred by deceit // my self destruction // love obsolete // live in dysfunction // breed life // need life // breathe
life // keep life // bleed life // heal life // feel life // the sweet life is all I want // can i bleed for the ritual? //
bleed for it // got a need for the ritual // can I breathe for the ritual? // breathe for it // got a need for the ritual?
// sick with it // sick with it // sick with it // it's inside me // i feel it growing // nowhere to hide // my anger's showing
// breed life // need life // breathe life // keep life // bleed life // heal life // feel life // the sweet life // and on
this dark night of my soul i will continue to pray for us // and try to remember only the good things // the sweet life Blasphemous Girl
drunk with sin // she sits in her skin //
filled with anger // fuelled be liquor // drowns in dreams // with no saviour // from the truth none can save her // he is
her own personal jesus // and he will not be her last // god wants a piece of her ass // god wants a piece of my ass // i
am a blasphemous girl // i am a blasphemous girl // i am a blasphemous girl // i am a blasphemous girl // magnum mouthed i
shoot to kill // you murder me with lies and guilt // strangle me with tragic hands // god wants a piece of her ass // god
wants a piece of my ass // i am a blasphemous girl // i am a blasphemous girl // i am // stab me like a stalker // rape me
like a hero // stab me like a stalker // rape me and be my hero // bless me darling and i will forgive you // eloquent and
full of grace // you speak in tongues behind my back // a dry lung vocal martyr // i will suffer for my lover // i will suffer
for his sins // i will suffer for my lover // i am suffering for him // torture me with timelessness // worship my fist with
every kiss // resurrection of my pain // drag me down our memory lane // introduce me to devotion // leave me numb with no
emotion // stars surround you when i feel you // you look better when i cannot see you // honesty looks good on you // but
liar should be your tattoo My Beautiful Flower
ring around my love // im a motherfucker
// gashes // gashes // your mouth blooms like a cut // sweet and full of sin // I prick myself on your thorns // and I bleed
within // your petals start to fall // and the weeds attack // in my torture garden // the blue sky is black // my beautiful
flower // he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not // my beautiful flower // he
loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not // our love starts to spoil // my lips bleed
like a rose // underneath the soil is where the evil grows // my petals fade to brown // and you watch me die // in my torture
garden // under black sunshine // my beauriful flower // you love me not // you love me // you love me not // you love me
// you love me not // my beautiful flower // you love me not // you love me // you love me not // you love me // you love
me not // your mouth blooms like a cut // sweet and full of sin // I prick myself on your thorns // and I bleed within //
our love starts to spoil // my lips bleed like a rose // underneath the soil is where the evil grows // I am earth // you
can feel me touch you // hear me breathe // cos its my air that loves you // and I am fire // you will feel me burn you //
come inside // and ill be water with you // he loves me // he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not // he loves me
// he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not //he loves me // he loves me not // he loves me // he loves me not //
he loves me // not Masochrist
come to me // as christ redeemed // make
up hides your identity // but i can see you're still diseased // get off your cross // get off your knees // dare i see the
same in me // never thought that i could be // so you just lick your wounds // but it's too late // trust will lead you to
your own fate // masochrist // what you sow is what you reap // youre only sick as secrets that you keep // and what you use
is what youll need // but i cant stand to watch you bleed for me // forgive me father for i'm not clean // i'd rather be miss
magdalene // your vaseline won't heal my demons // cause i don't talk to god // i'm screaming // dare i prove the same in
you // i never thought that i was true // so let me bruise my knees // rape my faith // scar myself with love and with hate
// masochrist // what you sow is what youll reap // youre only sick as secrets that you keep // what you use is what youll
need // i cant stand to watch you bleed for me // for me // for me // for me // oh lord hear my prayer // you look like you
are scared // i do what you taught me // it's your turn to watch me // oh lord hear my prayer // pull me by my black hair
// stab me with your greed // it's my turn to bleed // what you sow is what you reap // youre only sick as secrets that youll
keep // and what i use is what i need // can you stand to watch me as i breathe // i breathe // i breathe // i'm breathing
// for you Sycophant
one two // freddy's comin' for you // three
four // better lock your door // five six // grab your crucifix // something wicked this way comes // premeditated evil numbs
// cartoon kids // crayola smiles // children of the korn fed styles // but i don't buy your lies // i see through your disguise
// don't feel your screams or cries // why? // im sick of looking // so sick i can't // im sick // of the sycophant // sick
of listening // so sick i can't // im sick // of the sycophant // i see you breathless and deranged // a little girl who's
acting strange // tryna scare us with your scream // but it's all routine // and all you do is take // steal and imitate //
you are what you create // you're fake // im sick of looking // so sick i can't // im sick // of the sycophant // sick of
listening // so sick i can't // im sick // of the sycophant // i barely recognize you in your new disguise // cosmetic covered
eyes // just tell me why // why? // why? // why? // you put the make up on // take the make up off // searching to be found
// but you're so fuckin' lost // now the road to hell is paved with stones // and some of those are fakes and clones // counterfeits
which suck and bleed us // wearin' fuckin' adidas // but something just ain't right // no substance // only hype // with faith
you got the life that made you rich // and a punk ass bitch // i'm sick of looking // so sick i can't // im sick // of the
sycophant // sick of listening // so sick i can't // im sick // of the sycophant // sick of you and anyone like you // sometimes
i think ive lost my mind // or else this whole world's blind Hemorrhage
i stick my finger down your throat // explore
my thoughts of murder // a journey through the human heart // dark places filled with terror // obsession lets me have my
way // devotion makes you stay // this mercy seat you imitate // wont let you get away // in praise of him i pray // in praise
of him i save // in praise of him i give myself away // come kiss away my honesty // exploit me with your pain // learn to
love this monster you created in your name // confession lets you face your fear // redemption leaves a stain // the thought
of me makes you so sick // theres nothing left to hate // in praise of him i pray // in praise of him i save // in praise
of him i give myself away again // in praise of him ive prayed // in praise of him im saved // in praise of him i gave myself
away // a different sort of suffering // i practise what i preach // aromatherapeutic death // can you smell me speak // if
violence is religion then everyones a star // it doesnt matter what youve done // only who you are // who you are // who you
are // underneath the hollywood cross // underneath this holy wood cross // my lover let me tie you down // hold your heart
my hostage // i promise after i am through // your skin will still taste salted // my mouth is not your enemy // my lips are
not your friend // if we were still together // i would torture you again // in praise of him i pray // in praise of him i
save // in praise of him i give myself away // in praise of him ive prayed // in praise of him im saved // in praise of him
i hate myself today // you never know what you will find // until you look inside // i never knew what i would find // and
then i looked inside // let me torture you again // torture you my friend // let me torture you again // torture you my friend
// let me torture you again // like you torture me my friend // let me torture you again // torture you my friend // it never
ends Rockstar
i feel the skies open wide // see your blue eyes
// when worlds collide // youre by my side // its hard to lie // sometimes ive cried // wished it was me // wished it was
me who died // i can see you in the sunshine // i feel you where i stand // i can see you in the bright lights // i feel you
hold my hand // let your light surround me // in loving memory // let your love surround me // shine down on me // shine on
me // something so deep inside me binds me with you // told me a secret // swore that id keep it // someday my friend // well
meet again // so until then ill keep our secret safe // i can see you in the moonlight // i feel you when i sleep // i can
see you on those dark nights // i feel your arms around me // let your light surround me // in loving memory // let your love
surround me // shine down on me // shine on me // rockstar // we will always be bound // we will always be down // we will
always be bound // we will always be down // i feel you when i scream your words // i am just a girl that hurts // feel me
when i scream these words // i am just a girl that hurts // i feel you when i scream your words // i am just a girl that hurts
// feel me when i scream these words // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl that
hurts // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl // that hurts