Morning Prayer
last night I had a dream // i was drowning again
// you grabbed my hand and pulled me to safety // as i looked into your eyes i saw my saviour // the person that i knew had
been there all along // just waiting for the chance // to kill me // we kissed // and my mouth started to bleed // then all
my teeth fell out // i hate it when that happens Beauty Fiend
yes its true // i've got demons inside me // and
sometimes they need to speak // my dark places make me feel ugly // my lips are glossed but my heart is weak // i'm diseased
// as seen on tv // please forgive me // for not being pretty or sexy // but god never blessed me // heres what youll find
next time you undress me // scars // wounds // i'm bruised // watch me bleed // i'm your beauty // watch me bleed // beauty
fiend // once again // without perfect teeth // i begin the dream as i sleep // soon ive sinned // my skin is still thick
// my mouth as always is brutally honest // at my calmest // i'm tired of explaining how it feels // to be exploited and rated
number one, two or seventeen // fuck what they print in those damn magazines // scars // wounds // i'm used // watch me bleed
// i'm no beauty // watch me bleed // beauty queen // watch me bleed // i'm your beauty // watch me bleed // beauty fiend
// stuck inside this mask of mine // there's no place for me to hide // won't you please come suck me dry // don't touch me
// dont fucking touch me // don't touch me // why can't you see beyond my skin // size // my shape // my ass // my tits //
i am not your pretty face // i'm just a girl // the girl you love to hate // watch me bleed // i'm no beauty // watch me bleed
// beauty queen // watch me bleed // i'm the beauty // watch me bleed // beauty fiend // why can't you see beyond my skin
// size // my shape // my ass // my tits // i am not your pretty face // i'm just a girl // the girl you love to hate // stuck
inside this mask of mine // there's no place for me to hide // won't you please come suck me dry // dont // dont you fucking
touch me // pig Stick It To Me
it doesnt matter what i say // doesnt matter what
i do // i dont really give a fuck about you // nowadays its all fake // put some make up on your face // looking like a fucking
chick // in lipstick // there is nothing here for me // dressed up in your new disease // hollywood is full of shit // dont
ask me to sell my soul // i would rather be myself // you // do what youre told // stick it to me // i know you want to //
stick it in me // you know youre going to // stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre going
to // take a picture if you need // while i bleed // what makes you think that you know me // dinner and an interview // but
im not a fan of you // at least i tell the truth // damned if i do // damned if i dont // damned if i will // if i wont //
stab me in the back and buy me one more drink // suck my trust until im fucked // then you can say you fucked me // youre
so sneaky with your surprises // youre so sweet underneath disguises // i cant wait for you to criticise this // dont think
i dont know how big your knife is // stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre going to //
stick it to me // i know you want to // stick it in me // you know youre going to // you dont know me like i know myself and
i will never tell // you dont know me like i know myself // you can go straight to hell Heartsick
late night catechism speaks me to sleep // a lethal
dose of narcissism conquers the beast // i cant remember how i got my last scar // the bible tells us jesus was a rockstar
// a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // early morning exorcisms keep
me awake // seven stars surround me as i burn like a saint // i cant remember why my knees are so sore // the bible tells
us mary was a whore // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // a prayer under pressure of violent anguish // there once
was a girl and she suffered from sickness // mouth was distorted from razor sharp kisses // tried to pretend it was all in
her mind // but i know her voice when i hear mine // god are you listening // i hear you in my room // as hot as the moon
on the tenth day of June // theres no sleeping for me // im losing my faith // love is not safe in a world filled with hate
// heart sick // im sick // still sick // my heart is sick Rockstar
(dedicated in loving tribute to Lynn Strait)
i feel the skies open wide // see your blue eyes
// when worlds collide // youre by my side // its hard to lie // sometimes ive cried // wished it was me // wished it was
me who died // i can see you in the sunshine // i feel you where i stand // i can see you in the bright lights // i feel you
hold my hand // let your light surround me // in loving memory // let your love surround me // shine down on me // shine on
me // something so deep inside me binds me with you // told me a secret // swore that id keep it // someday my friend // well
meet again // so until then ill keep our secret safe // i can see you in the moonlight // i feel you when i sleep // i can
see you on those dark nights // i feel your arms around me // let your light surround me // in loving memory // let your love
surround me // shine down on me // shine on me // rockstar // we will always be bound // we will always be down // we will
always be bound // we will always be down // i feel you when i scream your words // i am just a girl that hurts // feel me
when i scream these words // i am just a girl that hurts // i feel you when i scream your words // i am just a girl that hurts
// feel me when i scream these words // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl that
hurts // i am just a girl that hurts // i am just a girl // that hurts Sanctuary
dishonest // you came with your first kiss //
blue eyes sold me your heavenly presence // something was suffocating me and i couldnt breathe // had no idea that you would
ever deceive // i tried to believe all the things that you taught me // christlike images of truth // they straight got me
// now watch me drown in sadness // my lungs gasp for air as i let you stab this heart // and rip apart wounds that exist
// deeper and darker than any words i could spit // all is shit // and it will never be well // because the fires that burn
are my never ending hell // is this what you call god? // your faith is lost // is this what you call god? // get off your
cross // get off // bridges connect for necessity // lifelines scar my hands like the rest of me // asked me to trust you
and yes i tried to // constant apologies caused me to lie too // tried to medicate my hate with your magic // how could something
so sweet end up so tragic // resurrect me from this abyss // in death every body function fails to exist // false commitments
// tongues twisted with religion // a heart shaped rock of the same size incision // obsolete // with no relief or release
// just insomnia filled nights of never ending sleep // is this what you call god? // your faith is lost // is this what you
call god? // get off your cross // split a piece of wood and i am there // lift a stone and you will find me // are you still
scared? // sanctuary // sanctuary // sanctuary // theres no sanctuary // is this what you call god? // is this what you call
// god // is this // is this // is this what you call love? // get off // get off // watch me // get off // get off // watch
me // get off // get off // now watch me fall // i swallowed all of your lies // and they felt good going down // death be
not proud Miss Ann Thrope
youre so pretty when you lie // love songs always
make me cry // i dont think you have a choice // theres no truth left in your voice // remember when we used to laugh // just
try to forget all that // wear my heart upon your lips // i hope it tastes just like shit // just call me miss ann thrope
// just call me miss ann thrope // youre so pretty when you die // love songs always make me cry // i dont think you realise
// theres no blue left in your eyes // remember when we used to sing // just try to forget those things // fill your hole
inside with dirt // i hope that it fucking hurts // just call me miss ann thrope // just call me miss ann thrope // just call
me miss ann thrope // just call me miss ann thrope // you have left a trail of deceit // assault and flattery // blasting
through my wounds // imprisoned me in god and poetry // a ritual to mend my angry heart // a breeding ground for your untruth
// if god created man in his own image // then fuck you // ashes to ashes // dust to dust // my hate for you defines my lust
// bridges to bridges // youre nothing to me // welcome world // miss ann thrope // fuck // cunt // miss ann thrope // cunt
// fuck // miss ann thrope // miss // ann // thrope Hemorrhage
i stick my finger down your throat // explore
my thoughts of murder // a journey through the human heart // dark places filled with terror // obsession lets me have my
way // devotion makes you stay // this mercy seat you imitate // wont let you get away // in praise of him i pray // in praise
of him i save // in praise of him i give myself away // come kiss away my honesty // exploit me with your pain // learn to
love this monster you created in your name // confession lets you face your fear // redemption leaves a stain // the thought
of me makes you so sick // theres nothing left to hate // in praise of him i pray // in praise of him i save // in praise
of him i give myself away again // in praise of him ive prayed // in praise of him im saved // in praise of him i gave myself
away // a different sort of suffering // i practise what i preach // aromatherapeutic death // can you smell me speak // if
violence is religion then everyones a star // it doesnt matter what youve done // only who you are // who you are // who you
are // underneath the hollywood cross // underneath this holy wood cross // my lover let me tie you down // hold your heart
my hostage // i promise after i am through // your skin will still taste salted // my mouth is not your enemy // my lips are
not your friend // if we were still together // i would torture you again // in praise of him i pray // in praise of him i
save // in praise of him i give myself away // in praise of him ive prayed // in praise of him im saved // in praise of him
i hate myself today // you never know what you will find // until you look inside // i never knew what i would find // and
then i looked inside // let me torture you again // torture you my friend // let me torture you again // torture you my friend
// let me torture you again // like you torture me my friend // let me torture you again // torture you my friend // it never
ends Letter To The Editor
you believe everything you read // you believe
everything you read // you believe everything you read // i cant believe what the fuck i read // scream // words that i believe
// friends became my enemies // think // think before you speak // dont think you know me // my heart is an empty hole //
hands wanna wrap around your throat // legs bruise everywhere you walk // mouth spits all the shit you talk // so keep talking
// keep talking // keep talking // keep talking // fight // say whats on my mind // (no i) // lies // words you hide behind
// be careful what you say // stay // stay the fuck away // my heart is an empty hole // hands wanna wrap around your throat
// legs bruise everywhere you walk // mouth spits all the shit you talk // my heart is an empty hole // hands wanna wrap around
your throat // legs bruise everywhere you walk // mouth spits all the shit you talk // keep talking // in a world of lies
// i find myself advised to just pretend im nice // and not to say whats on my mind // but in a world of shit // i think youre
just a bitch // who couldnt fuck or suck my dick // cause im a chick // dont even think i give a damn // i say these things
because i can // honesty is the holiest disease // honesty // honesty // honesty // honesty Let It Rain
i like the way you make me feel // syrupy and
clean // you have a strange effect on me // loving every scream // baptise this thing that burns // everytime you bathe me
// if i confess too many sins // will you still save me? // rain // rain // rain // let it rain // as beautiful as a scar
// theres nothing quite like you // i cut myself on your lips // let you lick my wounds // so southern is my saviour // so
sick inside my head // but if i let you rescue me // will i be left for dead? // rain // rain // rain // let it rain // let
it rain down on me // let it rain down on us // let it rain down on me // let it rain // let it rain // the skys illumination
comes from the city below // and i can taste every inch of your kiss // every inch of your soul // from over here // do you
feel faith or do you feel fear? Post Noise Revelation
it seems youre always looking for a new religion
// drown yourself in absolution to excuse your sins // nowadays its easy to be swayed by images portrayed // there is nothing
you wont do to get paid // so full of shit // you make me sick // post noise revelation // cult of my frustration // post
noise revolution // is there no solution? // it seems youre sucked into a scene of what the latest rage is // force fed mtv
// the new disease that is contagious // videos that cost a million bucks // with fakes degrading ladies // can i be a fan
of you // baby // so full of shit // you make me sick // post noise revelation // cult of my frustration // post noise revolution
// is there no solution? // post noise revelation // cult of my frustration // post noise revolution // is there no solution?
// what seems to be the cancer? // i dont know the answer // someone needs to tell me // what theyre trying to sell me //
whats the fucking cancer? // i dont know the answer // someone needs to tell me // now Do You Love Me
(original lyrics by Nick Cave)
i found him on a night of fire and noise
// wild bells rang in a wild sky // i knew from that moment on // i'd love him till the day that i died // and i kissed away
a thousand tears // my lady of the various sorrows // some begged // some borrowed // some stolen // some kept safe for tomorrow
// on an endless night // silver star spangled // the bells from the chapel went jingle jangle // do you love me? // do you
love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me like i love you? //
he was given to me to put things right // and i stacked all my accomplishments beside him // still i seemed so obselete and
small // i found god and all his devils inside him // in my bed he cast the blizzard out // a mock sun blazed upon his head
// so completely filled with light he was // his shadow fanged and hairy and mad // our love-lines grew hopelessly tangled
// and the bells from the chapel went jingle jangle // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love
me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me like i love you? // he had a heartful of love and devotion //
he had a mindful of tyranny and terror // well i try // i do // i really try // but i just err baby // i do // i error //
so come find me // my darling one // i'm down to the grounds // the very dregs // ah here he comes // blocking the sun //
blood running down the inside of his legs // the moon in the sky is battered and mangled // and the bells from the chapel
go jingle jangle // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you
love me? // do you love me like i love you? // all things move toward their end // i knew before i met him that I would lose
him // i swear i made every effort to be good to him // i made every effort not to abuse him // tattoos from his wrists to
his ankles // and the bells from the chapel go jingle jangle // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do
you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me? // do you love me like i love you? Evening
Prayer (spoken)
the wages of sin hold my heart hostage // my mouth
is still cruel // my skin is in bondage // my body is scarred from the lyrics ive carved // bruises ive healed // lips that
ive starved // wounds ive replaced with love and with hate // the truth set me free // but my faith was raped // ive broken
my silence // lied to myself // spoken in violence // been someone else // screamed at my demons // prayed to my god // begged
for forgiveness // my hands are still hot My War
(written by C.Dukowski)
my war // you're one of them // you say that you're
my friend // but you're one of them // you don't want to see me live // you don't want me to give // cos you're one of them
// my war // you're one of them // you say that you're my friend // but you're one of them // i might not know what a friend
is // all i know is what you're not // cos you're one of them // my war // you're one of them // you say that you're my friend
// but you're one of them // i have a prediction // it lives in my brain // it's with me every day // it drives me insane
// i feel it in my heart that if i had a gun // i feel it in my heart // i'd wanna kill someone // i feel it in my heart //
the end will come // come on // my war // you're one of them // you say that you're my friend // but you're one of them //
tell me that i'm wrong // try to sing me your ego song // you're one of them // my war // you're one of them // you say that
you're my friend // but you're one of them // my war // this is my war baby // go home